Mamatoto Essentials

A Guide To Essential Oils for Motherhood

Taking care of yourself and your baby (whether in your womb or in your arms) can feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t need to feel this way.

Getting support will enable you to care for both your physical and emotional wellbeing at the same time.

Therapeutic grade Essential oils can support you and your family day or night.

When you’ve completed this program you’ll have:

• The confidence to safely use essential oils to physically and emotionally support your whole family.

• The knowledge on which essential oils to use to support a wide variety of conditions or emotions.

• Healthier alternatives to choose from for your personal care and household cleaning products.

• The convenience of having a natural first aid kit and “medicine” cabinet at your fingertips 24/7

Above all else, Mamatoto Essentials will give you the knowledge, tools and resources that will allow you to confidently use essential oils and oil infused products to physically and emotionally support you and your whole family.

What’s inside Mamatoto Essentials

Essential Oils 101

- Safety
- Dilution
- Carrier Oils

Photo Credit @staraniseessentials

Premium Starter Kit Oils + Extra Oils

How to use each of the oils in the Premium Starter Kit for:  
- Pregnancy
- Birth
- Postpartum
- Babies
- Kids
- A Healthy Home


An A- Z Guide to support you throughout your pregnancy.

Labour & Birth

An A- Z Guide to support you throughout your labour and birth.


An A- Z Guide to support you throughout your postpartum.


An A- Z Guide to support your child from newborn- 2 years.


An A- Z Guide to support your children from 2+.

Photo Credit @staraniseessentials

Healthy Home

An A- Z Guide to keep your home environment free of toxins and chemicals and boost your health.

Here’s what you’ll get:

- 5 x Young Living Wellness Essential Oils (Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Orange and Peppermint)

- 7 x Young Living Essential Oil blends (DiGize™, PanAway®, Peace and Calming®, R.C.™, Stress Away™, Thieves® and Valor®

- Ultrasonic Diffuser (also a humidifier and atomiser)- either the Desert Mist or Dew Drop

But you don’t have the time to sift through all the conflicting information on the internet to find out how to safely use these oils.
I’ve done all the hard work for you and created Mamatoto Essentials: a Step-By-Step Guide on how to use the 12 essential oils in the Premium Starter Bundle plus many more to support your pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the health of you, your family and home.

I’m here to support you:

1. Coaching session (via zoom) to discuss how to personalise essential oils to you and your family
2. Email or Voxer for on- going support
3.  Private Facebook Community,  ‘Star Anise Essentials’ for education and resources  
4. Monthly Oils Group on zoom: we dive deep into a different topic including, ‘Back to school – kids emotions, concentrations & focus’, ‘Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond’, ‘Pets’, ‘Skin and Makeup’ and ‘Cellulite’.
5. “Essential Oils 101 Guide”: a 158 page guide written by Soulla Chamberlain from Star Anise Organics and her Team Leaders.

Credit @staraniseorganic

When you purchase a Premium Starter Kit with a diffuser (valued at $527) for only $267, you’ll also get:

- 24% off the retail price of Young Living essential oils and their oil infused products.
- The option to join the Essential Rewards Loyalty Program (ER) to get discounted shipping, access to         monthly promos and earn loyalty points to get free products.


Essential Oils are highly concentrated extracts that are naturally found in and distilled from different parts of a plant including the flowers, leaves, bark, wood, roots or fruit peel.

Unfortunately not all essential oils are of good quality. Some produces choose mass production over quality and are likely to use pesticides and fertilisers to boost their yeild.

Don’t confuse therapeutic grade essential oils with cheaper scented fragrance oils, containing artificial, man- made peteroleum- based fragrances. These are not therapeutic but toxic as they enter your bloodstream.

When it comes to what you put in and on you and your childrens’ bodies, use only the best quality- whether it’s food or personal care products or essential oils- because they all end up inside our bodies.

Not all essential oils are created equal. Some of the reasons I choose to use Young Living essential oils are:

- They own their own farms.
- They freshly distill the oils on site.
- They do more testing than any other oils company in the world.
- They’re beyond organic- they’re therapeutic grade.
- The oils vibrate at frequency that is higher than the living species it originated from.
- They’re the only oils company that doesn’t fractionate their oils (that is, they don’t double or triple distill their oils to make them smell sweeter).
- There are no fillers, no synthetics, no pesticides, no contaminants in their oils.

The Premium Starter Bundle with a diffuser is the most cost effective option and will give you a chance to try 12 different oils including:

- 5 x Wellness Essential Oils (Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Orange and Peppermint)
- 7 x Essential Oil blends (DiGize™, PanAway®, Peace and Calming®, R.C.™, Stress Away™, Thieves® and Valor®
- Ultrasonic Diffuser (choose from the Desert Mist or Dew Drop Diffuser)

- Frankincense Wellness: fights inflammation, incredibly beautifying and an anti-aging or the skin and promotes cellular regeneration. Diffuse in pregnancy and postnatally to help calm your mind and reduce anxiety.
- Lavender Wellness: calms your nervous system, soothes irritated skin, promotes restful sleep. Diffuse in labour for a calm and relaxed atmosphere or to promotes a restful sleep.
- Lemon Wellness: cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces and soothes an irritated throat. Add a drop to your water bottle to promote circulation and reduce fluid retention during pregnancy.
- Orange Wellness: helps your body and mind to relax, promotes sleep, relieves constipation and gas.
- Peppermint Wellness: relieves head and neck tension, energy booster when you’re sleep deprived, freshens breath, cools body temperature and may alleviate morning sickness.
- DiGize: promotes healthy digestion, eases heartburn, bloating, cramping and nausea. Use together with massage to alleviate your baby’s constipation.
- Panaway: will ease your tired muscles and joints.  
- Peace and Calming: promote relaxation and a deep sense or peace and emotional wellbeing.
- R.C: relieves congestion and clears airways, minimises the effects of seasonal threats and energising. Diffuse to help with the sniffles.
- Stress Away: combats stress and promotes sleep.
- Thieves: diffuse to ward off any nasty bugs when you have visitors or use on the soles of your feet to boost immunity.
- Valor: use it to greet each morning with a positive attitude or to unwind at the end of the day.

The benefits of the Essential Rewards program include discounted shipping, monthly PV promotions, Loyalty gifts and Reward Points. For more info, click HERE

My Introduction to Essential Oils

I initially used essential oils to make my yoga studio smell nice. It wasn’t until I was introduced to Young Living essential oils and their oil infused products that I realised their wide range of uses and potency.

 After my second miscarriage, my GP carried out extensive blood tests confirming my hormones were out of whack. I had what she called “estrogen dominance” caused by chemicals that mimic oestrogen (endocrine disrupter) in the food we eat, products we use to clean our homes and use on our skin.

When I started reading labels, I was horrified to discover that even the ones that said, “natural” contained chemicals like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (bubbles and lathers), phthalates (in artificial fragrances) and phenoxyethanol (a preservative) amongst other ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce.

This was the catalyst to swapping my household cleaning and personal care products with Young Living’s pure therapeutic-grade essential oils and oil infused products to create a low tox home environment for my family and balance my hormones.

In addition to this, I switched to a nutrient dense traditional diet and consciously conceived, had a healthy pregnancy and a drug- free vaginal birth at 40.

Becoming a parent has opened my eyes to the harmful chemicals in baby and kid’s skincare products so having Young Living products to use on my son has brought me peace of mind.

My experience has also given me the confidence to use Young Living essential oils as tools to assist my Doula clients during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

So… are you ready to confidently use essential oils and oil infused products to physically and emotionally support you and your whole family?

If the answer is “Yes!” Let’s get started!

Here's How:

- Click HERE
- Step 1: Select ‘Starter Bundle with a diffuser’ and then choose your diffuser
- Step 2: Select ‘Yes’ under Essential Rewards Enrolment
- Step 3: Set Up Your Monthly Essential Rewards Order. If you know what you’d like to order next month, select, ‘Customise your kit’ and choose products of at least 50pv, otherwise, select the ‘Healthy Home Essential Rewards Bundle’ for now and you can change your order before your next processing date - Enter your personal information
- Select a username, password, and pin
- Select, ‘Individual’ under Commission Processing Information
- At Sponsor/ Enroller Information enter 3842018 as the Sponsor and Enroller
- Select your shipping method
- Enter your credit card info
- Enter your Credit Card details and process your order.
- Step 4: Look out for your Welcome email from me including access to ‘Mamatoto Essentials’, the Star Anise “Essential Oils 101 Guide” plus an invite to the Star Anise Essentials private facebook group. Plus an invite to a coaching call with me.

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